
The following are the methods the AUIA intends to implement in the day two day workshop.

Phase 1

The Business Case for Academic Research in a Changing World - The African Perspective

This stream is a 2-day workshop which will focus on highlighting the opportunities for academic research to constructively enable economic and social development in Africa despite known challenges. Participating Universities will learn and contextualise how to:

  • Increase the contribution of academic research in societal development
  • Manage Intellectual Property in a changing world
  • Manage Technology Transfer and Commercialisation in Africa
  • Corporate Innovation: putting research to use for industry

Phase 2

Mapping Research Excellence : Strategy Planning and Development

Building on the outcome of the first stream, participating universities will receive hands-on support and capacity development in order to;

  • Identify and articulate existing research activities and areas of excellence
  • Identify and articulate emerging and critical research interest
  • Identify current knowledge needs from industry and society
  • Match societal and industry knowledge demands to universities’ research expertise
  • Match societal and industry knowledge demands to universities’ research expertise

Phase 3

Building Capacity to Deliver - Capturing and Contributing Value in a Changing World

With ever increasing demand from society and industry for leadership from universities to leverage knowledge for competitiveness, this stream will support participating universities to build capacity to support and create linkages between academic research and society.

More specifically, universities will be supported to:

  • Increase the contribution of academic research in societal development
  • Manage Intellectual Property in a changing world
  • Manage Technology Transfer and Commercialisation in Africa
  • Corporate Innovation: putting research to use for industry


CcHub Nigeria
Co-Creation Hub Nigeria is Nigeria’s foremost innovation centre dedicated to accelerating the application of social capital and technology for economic prosperity in Nigeria
MITO Technology
MITO Technology is a private company specialised in intellectual property management for public research institutions and private firms